What is Confirmation Bias ?
Slide Notes:
Confirmation Bias has a lot of real life examples. Once you start thinking about it, why do people keep voting for the same politician even though he/she may be an objectively bad candidate ? because once people have already chosen their candidate, they will discredit the information that confirms otherwise. Similarly, once people have believed in the power of god, or something, they would see all events as either an “act of god” or “act of devil”. Once you believe that people are inherently good or bad, you would continue to believe so, even finding out reasons to prove yourselves.
Once you start loving someone, you will start favoring them even though you know that they are wrong sometimes. All these are examples of confirmation bias. We are not sure why this is true but the prevalent theory is that “change is hard”. Our minds are not rational / objective thinking machines, they are basically “shortcut” machines. Unless trained to do so, our minds will take the shortest route possible for the explanation. hence, we tend to remain in our comfort zone of our beliefs, likes and dislikes.
The best strategy against it is – start being aware of your likes and dislikes and actively encourage to move out of your comfort zone to validate.
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