Simplest Hack to "Getting things done" and "managing your time"

What you see above is a pretty standard method preached everywhere for "getting things done" or "managing your time effectively". What we have added are some practical anecdotes to all the quadrants.

1. Important and Urgent - Do it now - This is the place where most of your work should be. Identify what is important to your brand, work image, future growth. If it is sales, do sales. If it is helping your boss in getting something done, do it. If you start understanding this, you should land in your Boss's "Delegate" quadrant.

2. Not important but Urgent - Delegate - Now what is "Delegate" for your boss would be "Do it" for you. But there would be certain tasks which you should start recognizing as "Delegate" for yourself. Start creating a team of trusted people, who would like to work on this like it is their "Do it" task. Coach them, tell them how it will be good for them.

3. Important but not Urgent - Schedule - This is a very crucial one. Understand that some tasks are very important for you or your Boss or your team but are not due now. Think about the deadline and schedule a place in your calendar for this one. Literally block a chunk of time for the task. If it is scheduled, it will get done. Use the Parkinson's Law for allocating sufficient time. We covered this in a previous post.

4. Not important and Not Urgent - Skip it - This is where most of our time is getting wasted. Start recognizing what is this task bringing you in value. If you can, skip the unimportant and not urgent tasks. If you are following all the other 3 quadrants religiously, you WILL start skipping on these and nobody will say a word to you. No blowbacks .. trust us.



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